Navigating the Lunar Eclipse

This Friday brings with it a powerful total lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo which is near the South Node, encouraging us to release and let go of the Shadow side of Virgo in the form of self-doubt, perfectionism, anxiety and negative thinking. It is time to let go of the noise, as well as the need to control the outcome.
Eclipses can be wild cards, bringing unexpected twists and turns, closing old chapters and initiating new beginnings. The last time we had an eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis was October 2015 until May 2017, and before that, between December 2007 and January 2009.

Think back to what was unfolding in your life during those times. The next year and a half may wrap something up that was started then, bring a sense of closure, or initiate a new chapter connected to what showed up for you then.

This eclipse will be the first chapter in a story that will take us into 2026.

It is time to trust the innate wisdom of the cycles, to lean into our intuitive knowing that all things will unfold as they will. Although there may be a turn of the tides and some unexpected plot twists, in the words of 14th century mystic Julian of Norwich (aka: Mother Julian), “All shall be well.”

The South Node (Virgo) shows us what must be released in order to grow. At the same time, the North Node (Pisces) is our guiding star, the direction that we’re meant to move towards. As a water sign, Pisces is aligned with dreaming, creativity, compassion, the emotional body, belonging, and bliss.

Water cleanses and water heals. It renews us and we are reborn with the coming of autumn (for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere), and spring (for those in the Northern Hemisphere).

Source: Danielle Blackwood

Changing Our Reality by Changing Our Thoughts

A fortnight into the new year and I am still processing thoughts that have emerged from my experiences out within the vastness of the Australian central desert, many of which seem to focus on the minuteness of humanity within the greater scheme of things.

In the following video, I share some thoughts that have emerged from my recent experience in the Australian Central Desert and Australian's Aboriginal peoples, the wildfires around Los Angeles and Australia's previous experience, our continual disconnect from Mother Earth, and how we can shape our reality through creating a sankalpa on inner peace and love.

During times of great adversary is when we tend to focus on the much-needed soul searching as our logical self seeks for answers. As we attempt to navigate these increasingly outward difficult times, more and more we are being drawn inward – a reassessment as to what is truly important to us; a push for minimalization within a world of increasing consumerism and waste; and need to actively take more responsibility for our actions, not only within our immediate environment, but globally. 

I offer a “challenge”, of sorts, of using a sankalpa a Sanskrit word for intention (a short phrase (Affirmation) that connects with our heart’s/soul’s deepest desire), in order to change the world around you.


A Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Red Centre

A last minute catch up with interstate friend just prior to my trip to visit family for Christmas, resulted in a spontaneous decision to join him, and a few other pilgrims, at the sacred heart of Australia, Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock), where we would open the portal that straddled between the old year and the new.


To the traditional indigenous owners, the Anangu people, Uluru means “great pebble”, and it is out of what seems to be a sea of red sand that this “great pebble” of arkose (a coarse-grained sandstone) emerges, an ancient monolith for as far as the eye can see. With its imposing presence towering above us, it is easy to understand why Uluru has long been held incredibly sacred and spiritual by the traditional landholders.

Within Aboriginal culture, the Dreaming usually refers to the time when the world was created by ancestral beings. The Anangu people refer to this time as Tjukurpa, where it defines their worldview, sacred connections to the land, and their place in the universe. 

According to Tjukurpa, Uluru was created by ancestral beings that travelled across the land. The numerous caves, cliffs, and fissures are evidence of the time that the ancestral spirits spent on earth in connection with the creation of Uluru.

Being one of the world’s largest monoliths, and with the base being some 9.4 kms (5.8 miles) in circumference, each part of Uluru was said to have been formed by various ancestral spirits.

Cave at Uluru (photo by Kylie Allerton)

While the northwest side was created the Mala people, our exploration took us to the southern side of Uluru, along the Kuniya Walk, the site of one of the more dramatic creation stories, that of the deadly battle between Kuniya (the woman python woman) and Liru (the poisonous brown snake man). This battle took place around the Muṯitjulu waterhole.

It is also said that Kuniya and her spirit is believed to continue to protect the local caves that are still used by the Anangu. On our visit, no snakes were spotted, only a kaleidoscope of butterflies refreshing themselves in the trickling water on this hot summer’s day.

Muṯitjulu waterhole

Amongst this incredibly ancient landscape, a deep primordial essence to be experienced. A reminder that even for outsiders, there is an unspoken acceptance given by the guardian spirits if respect is shown.

Our timing of our pilgrimage was to coincide with the Capricorn dark moon with Sirius near to the mid-heaven at midnight on 31 December 2024, this offered an opportunity to “step into a convergence of celestial and earthly energies that is profoundly special” as we were informed us.

While specific Anangu myths about Sirius do not appear to be well documented, according to Duane W. Hamacher, Sirius is known as Guyaru, the Night Owl, to the Wardaman people (who live some 145kms southwest of Katherine in the Northern Territory). It is said that when Ginan, the fifth-brightest star in the Southern Cross (representing a red dilly-bag filled with special songs of knowledge) was found by Mulugurnden (the crayfish), it brought the red flying foxes from the underworld to the sky. The bats flew up the track of the Milky Way, trading the spiritual songs to Guyaru (Sirius) on their way from the constellation of Scorpius to the iconic Southern Cross.

Setting sun over Kata Tjuta (the Olgas)

As the final hours of 2024 approached, we made our way to a secluded place amongst the sand dunes, away from the revellers, to undertake in the ritualistic night journey. This was, after all, the reason why we had gathered here.

Above us was the tail of the Milky Way, the body of Nut, the Egyptian Sky Goddess, stretching across the canopy of infinite space, with Sirius, our spiritual sun, shining bright amongst the darkness, high above the sacred centre of this great southern land. Below, and all around us, was the expanse of the Central Australian Desert, stretching far into the distant horizon. The cooling evening air offered respite from the soaring daytime temperatures, and every now and then the slight breeze carried with it a muffled sound from the distant celebrations.

With each breath, the gentle drum beat was drawing me deeper and deeper into this primordial earth. Some 500 million years ago, this land was covered by sea, and the fine red sand that was running through my fingers, was once solid bedrock.

As I dug deeper, it felt as if I was seeking grounding, acceptance even. I have lived in Australia for many years now, longer than in the country of my birth, yet have never truly felt as if I belonged. It is as if I will always to be a stranger in the strange land. But despite that sense of alienation, a feeling of comfort began to grow. It was as if these ancient lands had accepted me on some level, despite my strangeness. Or maybe it was because many indigenous peoples consider Sirius to be some kind of ancestral spirit that keeps a watch on us humans below, guiding us to the greater cosmic web.

It was then that I felt the desire to complete surrender, allowing the old year to trickle through my fingers like the grains of the red sand that I was absentmindedly playing with, and in doing so, making way for the new.

Tips to Survive this Time of Year

This time of the year can be rather challenging ~ not only financially, but there are the expectations of spending time with people we may normally choose not to; or we may have lost that special someone throughout the year; or even be a situation where we simply do not have any close relationships in our lives any more. As such, instead of the expected joy and celebration, Christmas may actually be quite a lonely, isolated, and disillusioned time.

Art installation by Dale Chihuly

If you find yourself dreading this time of year, then you might like to ask yourself the following questions as to why you are not able to "get into the Christmas spirit":

  • Why do I need to meet up with people I rarely see during the year for a celebration that is old and outdated?

  • What’s the point of pretending that I “like” or “want to spend time with” family members who are toxic?

  • I am not Christian, or I do not believe in the origins of Christmas, so why should I then celebrate it?

  • How do I stop feeling so depressed and anxious during this time of year?

  • Do I even want to celebrate Christmas in the first place?

If you are spending this time of the year on your own and especially if you struggle with your own solitude, then maybe some of the following will enable you to gain a sense of inner peace and joy:

  • Spend some time out in nature, taking the opportunity to purposely unplug from artificial stimulation and take in the beauty that is naturally around us.

  • Take a road trip to a place that you have never been to before.

  • Do some therapeutic art or embodiment exercises to release any tension within you.

  • Give yourself the gift of silence. Block out any noises and distractions so that you can focus on what matters the most to you.

  • Volunteer at a homeless shelter, an aged care facility, etc.

  • Consider what skill or new hobby you would like to learn in the coming year, and what steps are needed to making that skill a reality.

  • Declutter your surroundings in order to create more inner space and peacefulness.

  • Light a candle for all the souls who are spending this time of the year on their own as well. Maybe offer up a prayer to the divine, offering them comfort.

If you will be spending time with family members who you would prefer to avoid, then:

  • Take care of your own stress levels. Relax before the event by taking some deep breaths into your diaphragm, ensure that you are grounded, visualise yourself being in a protective bubble, etc.

  • Set your own boundaries and limits. For example, make it known how long you can be at the celebration or gathering before you need to go to, and be firm with your departure time. This way the power is in your hands.

  • If contributing to consumerism/climate change is an issue, consider giving more mindful gifts. Focus on sustainable and ethically produced items.

  • Keep it simple. Focus on simplifying what you need to do. Stick to the essentials. Do not be afraid of letting go tasks and Christmas habits that you have always done simply because they are familiar.

  • Limit contact with toxic family members as much as possible. Be strategic and find ways of limiting your contact with them. Doing so will help you hold onto that little bit of extra sanity.

Lastly, whatever you do, practice gratitude. It has been proven that by being grateful, this is a powerful way of remaining happy and calm. While you do not have to put up with a family member's bad behaviour, find something about them that you can be grateful for ~ even if it is the simple fact you only need to see them once a year.

Honouring the Sun at the Solstice

On 21 December this year, Sol, the sun, will reach its southern most point in its journey, that of the Tropic of Capricorn. This will mark the time of the summer solstice for those of us south of the equator, the time of abundance and joy, as well as the peak of the Solar God's power.

To our friends in the north, due to the tilt of Earth on its axis, this is the time of inner contemplation and anticipation as they await for the rebirth of the sun.

The content of this video is based on the corresponding chapter ‘Summer Solstice: The Time of Abundance’ from my book, Dancing the Sacred Wheel (originally published in 2012), which is still remains one of the few books that is solely about the sabbats from a Southern Hemispheric perspective. Available through Amazon.

Click on the image below to watch my video about the Summer Solstice:

Click on the image below to watch my corresponding video about the Winter Solstice:

Art and Witchcraft

An interstate friend was in town recently and we caught up at the Art Gallery of South Australia. To be perfectly honest, it had been many years since I last visited so it was a delight to discover that there was not one, but two exhibitions that we could wander around as we caught up.

Two of my favourite pieces on display are Circe Invidiosa by J.W. Waterhouse (painted in 1892) and that of John Collier’s Priestess of Delphi (1891). Many years ago I acquired prints of both paintings which grace my walls along with another Waterhouse print that I picked from the Tate Gallery, The Magic Circle (1886).

One of the exhibitions is that currently at the art gallery is the Reimagining the Renaissance, which focuses around the profound artistic and cultural change that emerged from the ‘Dark Ages’.

During this new and transformative period in art, notions of form, colour and perception changed fundamentally and an artistic revolution was born, most notably in the understanding of composition and realism and the rise of humanism.

Throughout art history, the Italian Renaissance has taken centre stage and is regarded as one of the most important periods of artistic revolution and development, often overshadowing the artistic developments simultaneously occurring in other parts of Europe.

Circe Invidiosa by Waterhouse

The Renaissance period span from the 14th to 17th centuries, and it was during this time that the Gutenberg press was invented, many discoveries in science were made, and state-funded explorations of distant lands were also undertaken. Established religious communities experienced philosophical and bloody battles, leading to the Reformation and the end of Catholic rule in England, as well as the witch trials taking place. The brutality that was handed out as “God’s will” seems extremely alien amongst the rich cultural and artistic influences that were also occurring at the time.

Yet, within the Renaissance exhibition, a copy of A Continuation of the Collection or, an Addition of fome few more Remarkable and True Stories of Apparitions and Witchcraft, printed in 1682, is on display, along with other sketches and artwork depicting the increasing fear of witches, devils and other supernatural beings.

The Reimagining the Renaissance exhibition is free at the Art Gallery of South Australia until 13 April 2025.

Starting in Under 24 Hours - Return to the Mother

It is a bit difficult to remain focused when something that you have been steadily working towards for the last six plus months is finally going to be made freely available to the world.

Of course I am talking about my RETURN TO THE MOTHER online summit.

I was reminder of the late Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, who once said that people get sick because they are alienated from Mother Earth, that they have forgotten that they are on Mother Earth, and that they have a body given to them by Mother Earth.

Is that not what has been happening to us?

Mother Earth – our Mother – the one who birthed all of creation.  Where is she in your life?

Is there a connection between how we treat our planet and the rejection of the Divine Feminine from our Soul Consciousness?

For this reason I have gathered together speakers from all around the world will share their thoughts and insights into this question and other interconnecting threads:

 🌹  Return to the Mother 🌹
Discussions about the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth and Goddess Consciousness

A five-day online summit that will be commencing: Sunday, 24 November 2024 (America & Europe) or Monday, 25 November 2024 (Australia & New Zealand)

Click here to join now (free)

🌹 Explore the connection between Gaia (Earth) consciousness and the Divine Feminine.

🌹 Understand the importance of the feminine archetype.

🌹 Consider the similarities of how Mother Earth and women are treated in modern society.

🌹 Investigate whether the devaluation of anything feminine emerged out of the removal and subsequent absence of the Goddess or Divine Feminine from many of the world’s religions

🌹 Ask ourselves why, regardless of gender identification, it is essential for all of us move from patriarchal oppression to matrifocal wholeness.

🌹 Determine the importance of establishing a more sustainable state of Oneness with our planet for the sake of future generations ...

This online event is FREE to all registered attendees. Simply click here to register today, and join me from the evening of Sunday, 24 November to Thursday, 28 November 2024 (USA, Canada and Europe) or from the morning of Monday, 25 November to Friday, 29 November 2024 (Australia and New Zealand).

 Some of the presentations that will be taking place during the Return to the Mother online summit are:

  • The Divine Source Resides Within with Akosua Dardaine Edwards

  • The Return of the Archetypes with Dr Amit Goswami

  • Returning to Love: Sacred Womb Awakening with Ann Bromley

  • Healing the Damage of Patriarchy through Moon Circles with Bridget Engels

  • Modern Witchcraft and the Goddess with Christopher Penczak

  • The Dark Goddess: Retribution, Rebirth, and the Dark Night of the Soul with C.G. Dahlin

  • Exploring Womb Awakening and the Selkie tale as the Initiatory Pathway for the Modern Goddess with Deborah Stanley

  • Entering the Temple of the Goddess with Frances Billinghurst

  • Creating a Context in which She can Grow: A PaGaian Cosmology with Glenys Livingstone

  • How a Radical Guide to Reality invites a return to the Divine Feminine, the healing of the 'illusion' of separation and an emergence of Gaian Consciousness with Dr Jude Currivan

  • Matriarchy in the Animal Kingdom: The Glue of Creation with John Lockley

  • How Rites of Passage Ceremony and Earth Consciousness can assist in healing Patriarchal Wounding with Kallie Brown

  • Divine Feminine: The Antidote to Patriarchal Domination and Our Wounded Feminine Consciousness with Karen Tate

  • The Maidens of the Well: Reclaiming the Waters of Life with Kat Houghton

  • Growing into the Goddess: Claim your Divine Feminine power in dialogue with your Christian Roots with Kathleen Joan

  • Returning to the Mother at Midlife: Initiation as the Wise Woman with Keren Brown

  • Embodying the Divine Feminine through Movement with Leslie Zehr

  • Contemporary Witchcraft and the Rebirth of the Goddess: Devotional Practices to the Great Mother with Levi Rowland

  • The Five Earth Archetypes of the Wild Feminine with Mary Reynolds Thompson

  • The Full Embrace, Beyond the Veil of Separation with Naomi Amaya Love

  • She leads the Way with Dr Nicola Amadora

  • Returning to the Primordial with Patricia Awyan Lehman

  • Mother Earth and Her Magic of Rebirth with Phyllis Curott

  • Pachamama's Embrace: A Catalyst of Remembrance with Q'orianka Cornejo

  • Radical Earth Transformation: Newborn Consciousness Seeded with Hieros Gamos with RaMa Danielle-Marie

  • Matriarchy and The Great Mother with Stephen Mehler

  • The Eternal Feminine with Dr Valentina R. Onisor

  • The In-powerment of the Mystery with Zahra Indigo Rønlov

and more.

There is also the opportunity to upgrade to receive Unlimited Lifetime Access where you receive downloaded audio and video recordings of ALL presentations as well as additional gifts.

Why we need to Return to the Mother

While our external world appears to be in much chaos and turmoil, of pain and heartache, there is a deep richness of love, compassion, hope and beauty can still be found.

Chinese philosopher, Lao Tsu, reminds us, when we remember that we too are part of nature (Mother Earth), and we embrace the Divine Feminine back into our spiritual practices we are able to reconnect to that valley spirit that resides within.

More so than ever, we need to return to the "Mother" - regardless of whether it is the divine feminine, Mother Earth (Gaia), Goddess consciousness, or even turning to nature to learn from our other co-inhabitants of this planet that we live on.

For these reasons and more), I have created the RETURN TO THE MOTHER online summit, that will be commencing Monday, 25 November (or Sunday evening, 24 November if you live in America & Europe).

Learn more about the summit by clicking on the image below:

This is a free event, consisting of some 27 presenters and all you need to do is to register here:

Hekate and the New Moon

The time of the new moon, when the first sliver appears amongst the darkness, is often perceived as a somewhat liminal time between what has gone before (the past) and what is about to come (the future). As we stand at this lunar crossroad, it is appropriate for us to honour the Goddess who is often associated with the crossroads, that of Hekate.

When it comes to working with the moon, the time of the new moon is considered to be the time to commence new projects, planting the seeds of what you are wishing to bring into your life, as well as the time for renewal and rebirth. 

Each night from when the first sliver appears in the sky, the increasing size of the moon aids its energy to our intentions of what we want to grow in our lives over the coming month.

The Goddess Hekate has long been associated with the moon through Her connection with the Underworld and as a night wandering Goddess. In some interpretations She was seen to be on the prowl for the restless dead, scouring the darkness for unsuspecting souls, or even as a great protectress.

It sees fitting for Hekate to be the first Goddess honoured in the upcoming Sacred Sister Circles to be held on Thursday, 6 June 2024 at the Mystical Soul Academy.

During the Sacred Sister Circles, a safe space is creating where women can gather without judgement, competition or expectations, in order to re-connect back into the sacredness of the Divine Feminine, the Goddess.

If this sounds like something you would like to become part of, then make sure secure your place by clicking on the button below as there are limited places available each month:

Book Review: Mother: Ecstasy, Transformation and the Great Goddess| by Levi Rowland

If a book written by a man about worshipping the Great Goddess as “Mother” isn’t unique enough, Levi Rowland is also a priest (of a tradition of witchcraft) and avid devotee to Her.  As such, this book is not “how to” manual. It is a much needed “why to” - why we need to bring the Divine Feminine back into our consciousness in ways that stand alongside religious and spiritual comparison.

Levi introduces the reader to the concept of Goddess theology, showing what it means to be a devotee, from the historical perspective, drawing upon knowledge of Mystery cults and even using other traditions, such as Shaktism for example, as a comparison to help guide the modern Western reader to points that he is making. 

The Goddess the Levi re-introduces to us is no “Jesus figure in a dress”, with patriarchal concepts under a veneer of feel good matriarchy. He writes about the Great Goddess, the creatrix of all, the Mother who birthed the cosmos and all that resides within, including our own selves.  This Goddess is no Barbie doll, sugar and spice – while she may be the queen of heaven, she equally is also the queen of hell.  This is because in the truest sense of things, the Goddess, as Mother, is all things including that which shakes us to our core in order to transform us.

And Levi does not shy away from the darkness which the Mother brings.  He is brutally honest, opening up and sharing a number of poignant memories from his own personal journey, of his coming home to the Mother.

In a world that tends to be focused on window dressing spirituality, of moon manifesting without true desire and spell casting without consequences, Mother: Ecstasy, Transformation and the Great Goddess by Levi Rowland shows the reader how true transformation can occur and divine ecstasy is received when one connects with the Great Mother.

You can check out my longer video review on my YouTube channel below:


Conclusion: Highly Recommended

Published by Warlock Press, 2023
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1733246673
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1733246675

Autumn and the Beauty of Mother Earth

As the chill of Autumn can be felt here in South Australia, recently I ventured to a local botanical garden so that I could sink down into Mother Earth while She draws life back into her darkened womb. In the stillness of nature offers a wonderful gift to unplug of the stress filled demands of modern-day life and to simply be.

Around me the elemental building blocks of the cosmos were at play during this time of transformation.  As the wind danced amongst the branches, it toyed with the leaves in their brilliant scarlet and oranges, teasing them to join the downward flutter to Mother Earth who was waiting beneath, in wide receiving abundance. 

Those leaves whose energy had now been spent, formed a carpet where they would gradual be relieved for the last ounces of chlorophyll before gradually decaying and dissolving back into her often with soaking precipitation that cleansed all from the dusty memory of the hot summer.  Yet above me, the once fiery, passionate sun was determined not to succumb to a mere memory, as it continued to stir the life force energy below.

As I breathed in the coolness of the air, I wondered what I could release from my own self, what needed to decay, to be dissolved, to be repurposed into something more beneficial.  Often our modern lives impact so much upon us that we forget about our innate connection with nature. We overlook the realisation that it is not something separate from us but indeed part of us. 

Amongst our concrete and airconditioned lives, we shy from the sensation of the elements upon us, perceiving them as more of a discomfort than anything meaningful.  Yet, despite our attempts to disassociate ourselves from the natural world, the truth remains – we are nature.

  • When was the last time you stopped and contemplated the role that the elements play within your life?

  • How connected are you with the elemental forces that are around us as well as within in each and every one of us?

In a world focused on instant gratification and manifestation of results, allowing ourselves the time and space to “be” with the elements, to contemplate their interplay with our own selves, as well as being able to use them to deepen our perception into this reality (and beyond), I personally believed that such work is needed more than ever – if only because of the benefits it has on our mental health and sense of connectiveness in an ever-increasing disconnected world.

  • Spend some time meditating on each of the elements in turn, using physical items in your practice if need be (a feather for air, a seashell for water, a candle for fire and a bowl of dirt for earth).

  • As you go about your daily business, consider the roles that the elements play.


Remember, we are not separate from the earth, from nature – we are very much part of it – and it is of us.

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in April 2024

On Saturday, 20 April 2024 Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct at 21° 49’ of Taurus.  Jupiter has long been known as the Great Benefic, the planet of expansion and protection, whereas Uranus is the rebel, who pushes the boundaries and causes change to occur. 

During previous conjunctions rebellions have occurred as well as huge advances in technology. 

With this conjunction occurring in the earth sign of Taurus, what expansive changes could be brought into our physical reality, our lives and our planet?

I share some insights about this conjunction in my latest video that can be found here.

☆ A Witchy Tale for the Season ☆

Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a small village high in the mountains in Italy there lived an old woman named La Befana. The local villages thought she was a witch for she preferred to spend her time alone and indeed, her simple cottage was on the edge of a dark forest.

La Befana did not look like a witch. She had not a magical wand, nor did she wear a black, pointed hat. But she did have a cat that was as black as coal, and she also had an old broomstick that was fashioned from the branch of a yew tree, the witch's tree, as gnarled and bent as she was.

The villagers whispered to each other what regardless of whether it was day or night, if you passed her cottage, you would see La Befana sweeping with her yew broom, sweeping the inside of her cottage and sweeping the outside of her cottage. She would sweep in circles, often as if she was in a trance, and if you watched her too long, it was said that you too would fall into a trance for the words she mutters contain all forms of magical powers.

When La Befana heard these whispers, she would simply smile. Sweeping, after all, was an ancient magic, passed down to her from her mother, her mother's mother, and even her mother's mother's mother. The magic the villagers whispered about was also found in the broom for it removed not only the dust and dirt brought into the house from our adventures in the outer world, but they also capture the feelings and emotional entanglements we collect unknowingly, or the unspoken conversations that swirl inside our minds but are never spoken.

Still, La Befana swept her circles, inside her house and out. And as her broom swished and swirled about, she muttered a chant under her breath:

“Sweep, sweep around about
All good stay in and all bad stay out.
I remove all harm, and banish all pain
For only peace and good shall remain.”

Such a powerful incantation this was and her little cottage deep on the edge of the forest was know far and wide as being free from the grime of the outside world and shimmering with magic.

As the story goes, early one evening after solstice as La Befana stirred her supper over a crackling fire, there was an unusual knock upon her door. When she opened it, she found three strangers, dressed in apparel from faraway lands, seeking directions to locate the Child of the Sun. She provided them food and shelter, and they invited her to join them in their search for this special child. However, La Befana declined, saying she had too much sweeping to do.

Later that night, she was awoken by the brightest of lights - a sign, she decided, to follow the strangers in their search for the special child. However, much time had passed and La Befana was not able to locate the strangers from the faraway lands, nor the place where the special child was said to have been born.

Yet, this did not deter La Befana, and it is said that even to this day, she takes to the skies on her broom made of yew and resumes to search for the special child. As she travels from house to house, the villagers wait in anticipation for she is said to leave treats to sleeping children in the hope that the Child of the Sun might also be with them.

Hail to the Sun

O hail to the Solar King
The fiery monarch of the sun.
He who is the Great Revealer and Bestower of Enlightened thought.
The one of the sacred light that gilds the forest leaves with gold, and of everlasting dreams.
Upon your sacred enchanted harp comes the music of the heart, the deepest of all love.
For you are the Great Poet, and the eternal lover.
O hail, Apollo.
O hail, Helios.
O hail, Ra.
O hail, Lugh.

O hail, he who sparks the seeds of the Earth to life again.

Honouring the Sun at Solstice

Did you realise that our planet is "heliotropic", that it turns toward the light?

This word is often more commonly used to describe the seasonal motion of plants in response to the direction of the sun, however, when we look at the intimate relationship between our planet and the sun, our nearest star, the same can be applied.

The solstices (along with the equinoxes) are naturally occurring earth holy days, so to speak, existing for as long as the earth have evolved around the sun. As we approach the time of the solstice, I am wondering whether this is yet another cosmic connection that our ancestors were deeply aware of with there being many megalithic structures still standing today aligned with either the summer or the winter solstice.

One such structure that stands out for me is Newgrange (Sí an Bhrú) in Count Meath, Ireland that is aligned with the death and rebirth of the sun at the winter solstice. Built at least some 5,200 years old, this passage tomb was constructed with a roof box above the doorway which channels the fragile rays of the returning sun down the passage in the tomb to illuminate the chamber every year on the winter solstice.  CLICK HERE to watch a  video produced by the Office of Public Works that captures this amazing occurrence:

Indeed, in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time to commune with the solar energy, and all the potential that is waiting within, in order to lighten up the dark winter months.

South of the equator, it is the zenith of the sun, when it is most potent, that we are heading towards, when the hours of daylight between sunrise and sunset are at their longest. Here in Adelaide, there will be some 14 1/2 hours of sunlight on the 22nd December (the time of the solstice).

While the solstices mark the midpoint in the earth's journey around the sun, it can take up to six weeks before we feel the effects. In fact, for me the summer solstice often heralds in a reminder that the worse of the summer's heat is yet to come as February is often our hottest month, almost distracting us from the reduction of the sunlight hours. The local Kaurna people referred to hottest and driest months of the year a "Warltati" where they would move to the coast, taking advantage of the sea breeze. This is something that many of us continue to do today despite living in our airconditioned homes.

Regardless of where we live, it is acknowledged that without the warmth and light of the sun, there would simply be no life on earth. In fact, we receive so much from the sun that, like our ancestors, the solstice offers us an opportunity to focus on what we have in our lives, to show gratitude and to give thanks. With this in mind, I thought I would share the following adorations to the sun that was inspired by the Liber Resh vel Helios ritual, and where we allow ourselves to focus on incorporating the attributes of the sun in our daily lives.


Upon rising, face East and bring your awareness to your heart centre, your inner golden sun, and say:

Hail to the Returning Light May the power of the sun flow through me this day Empowering me in all that I do.

At noon, face the North (if you live south of the equator) or the South (if you live north of the equator), again bring your awareness to your heart centre, and say:

Hail to the Triumphant Light Shining its splendour on the world Revealing the beauty within and without me.

At sunset, face the West, bring your awareness to your heart centre, and say:

Hail to the Descending Light Offering reflection upon the world Allowing me to be grateful in my ways.

Before retiring for the night, face the South (if you live south of the equator) or the North (if you live north of the equator), again bring your awareness to your heart centre, and say:

Hail to the Light at Rest The revealer of the unseen realms Enabling me to integrate all that I have received this day.

Preparation for the Time of "Even Light"

There are four portals that occur throughout the solar year that mark pivotal placements in the relationship between the sun and our planet. The two solstices mark the solar standstill, a pregnant pause that occurs when the solar energies have either reached their peak as part of the earth is has reached its closest point to the sun, or the trough, when part of the earth is furthest away. The other two pivotal placements are the midpoints between the two, heralding the time of the equinoxes.

Next week this is where we will find ourselves, at the time of “even light” (as equinox come from the Latin meaning “equal night”), at the spring equinox here in the Southern Hemisphere, or the autumn equinox if you reside north of the equator.

Leading up to these pivotal timings, our inner biology changes on a deeper cellular level for the approaching season. As this occurs, even for the briefest moments, our own personal energetics come into alignment with those of Mother Earth. We are provided with a unique opportunity to deepen the alignment of our subtle energetic fields to the turning of the seasonal wheel, utilising its ebbing and flowing nature.

National Geographic has described the equinoxes as “Two times a year, Earth’s orbit and its axial tilt combine so that the sun sits right above Earth’s Equator, casting the dividing line between the light and dark parts of the planet - the twilight zone - through the North and South Poles. Earth isn’t the only planet that experiences equinoxes: every planet in our solar system has them.”

The timing of the equinox has long been considered to be a magical portal due to it being a time of deep transformation, the alchemical process of turning one thing into something else. In County Meath, Ireland, some 5,000 years ago our distant ancestors constructed the Cairn of the Cailleach (“Cairn T”), a sacred mound and stone passageway aligned exactly to the spring and the autumn equinox. Only at dawn on these special days, a single ray of sunlight pierces the dark, womb-like passageway and lights up the “Equinox Stone” positioned at the end of the chamber and engraved with talismanic glyphs. This barrow was also called the Cairn of the Hag, or the Womb of Cailleach, and was believed to have been modelled on the architecture of the female vulva-womb-pregnant stomach, fertilized by the energy of the sun. It was rebirth technology.

Inside Cairn T at Louchcrew, Co. Meath, Ireland

Today, this extraordinary moment goes by almost completely unnoticed. Surrounded by artificial lighting and the seemingly endless glow from mobile phones and computer screens, the equinox seems to hold little meaning. The more we separate our lives from the natural ebbing and flowing of nature, the more we separate our own selves from the very root that brings life and provides us with healing and regeneration.

Regardless of whether you find yourself at the gateway to the warmer summer months with lengthening light and increased abundance, or the approach of winter with the approaching darkness and time for rest and retreat, there are a number of simple ways that you can realign yourself to the sacredness of this pivotal time.

  • For three days before the equinox, spend around 15 minutes absorbing the energy from the early morning sun. As you do, visualise your entire body (including your energetic field) being regenerated by the light. If you are not able to get outside, then stand by a window that faces the morning sun to receive the light that way.

  • For three days before equinox, spend around 15 minutes in the evening, greeting the night as the sun fades. Close your eyes and allow your body to sense the feeling of night.

  • After sunset dim down and turn off bright lights in your home.

  • If you are able to, attempt to switch off your mobile telephone and computer after 8pm.

  • Turn on blue light blocking mode (night shift) on iPhone and Android phones which can be found through your phone settings.

As the ever changing patterns of light and darkness act as master regulators of not only our human physiology, but also our states of spiritual connection and awareness, this means that during the portal of the equinox, our bodies prepare themselves to receive either the increased abundance of summer (in the Southern Hemisphere) or deep regeneration and cell dreaming of winter (in the Northern Hemisphere). In other words, we are truly alchemists of both dark and light.

✨ Get Ready for a Time of Abundance

If you feel like you are still processing the effects of the recent full moon lunar eclipse, then hang in there - the eclipse was rather intense, especially with astrological points possibly being triggered such as the South Node (which relates to our past actions or karma), not to mention it being opposite Uranus, a planet connected with producing outcomes that may not be what we anticipated to them to being.

✨On 16th May Jupiter (the Great Benefic) enters Taurus. This transit is considered to be one of the more important ones happening this year as it could very well indicate that something in your life is about the change. To get a better idea of what this “something” is, look at what house is ruled by Jupiter in your natal chart (you can get a free one from (Astro Dienst, Cafe Astrology, etc) to get an idea of what see what area of your life could be effected.

As Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and abundance, the sign it transits through indicates that where we want to experience growth and abundance. With Taurus being connected with material possessions, financial growth and the desire for comfort and stability, Jupiter in Taurus may encourage us to take practical steps towards achieving goals, especially in relation to finances, material stability and personal values.

✨Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus resulted in it being squared to Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. As mentioned above, Jupiter is the planet of expansion whereas Pluto is connected with transformation. When planets are square to each other, this can be rather intense as it indicates change. Consider your desire for material growth with respect to your spiritual transformation and transcendence. Are your goals a reflection of your highest truth, or ego consciousness?

Keep in mind that sometimes we reject material abundance due to personal limiting beliefs and a scarcity mindset, or the perception that status symbols are merely a compensation for a lack of self-worth. As such, Pluto maybe asking you to consider your perceptions and beliefs around personal values, and in particular, those related to material abundance.

✨Finally, on 20th May here in Adelaide (or earlier on 19th depending on where you live in the world) we have a new moon in Taurus (at 28 degrees). This new moon is rather auspicious due to it being in harmonious aspects with Mars (in Leo), Neptune (in Pisces) and Pluto (in Aquarius). With Mars entering Leo, you will find it easier to connect with your heart centre (anahata) and as such, act from a place of truth and authenticity, making it easier to feel like you are more in tune with life. I will be making available a video about this upcoming new moon in my YouTube channel soon.

Spiritual Power — Illusions and Reality

Healing, magic, mind over matter, invoking the gods, ancestors, or higher consciousness - they all are, have been, and probably will continue to be a part of our eternal quest to understand the workings of the cosmos and how much we actually control ourselves.

Since the beginning of time on this physical earth plane of existence, we human have reached for a higher spiritual power to work on our behalf, or for others.  Many have even noticed that there have been times when this higher power does not seem to work in ways that were anticipated.  Was this a case of the incorrect prayer or incantation being used? Where the planets not in alignment? Maybe the higher power was uninterested or displeased with the offering being made?

Even in our modern high-tech world today, prayers for health, healing, prosperity, love, and other humanistic needs and desires are not all answered?  Are some prayers chosen or favoured while others are not?  Is it a matter of good or bad karma, the wrong ancestor or religion, or the wrong slant on spirituality?

Regardless of what you believe personally, no one has any extra or special spiritual power going for them, despite what they might imagine from their false sense of personal ego identity.  Spiritual power that is active in anyone’s life is available only when the personal ego is not trying to influence it.

In ego-conscious human reality, all may seem possible in regard to spiritual power as harnessed or brought about through many diverse forms of spiritual practice.  While it is true that prayers or other spiritual practices seem to be answered, however, is this not an aspect of human consciousness perceiving it as such in order to gain a connection with the greater cosmos?

In actual reality, human consciousness, as it is currently collectively awakened in the mass of humanity, is not capable of influencing spiritual power.  If it were, the entirety of the universe would be one gigantic cosmic mess — one explosion after another as human beings in their present states of consciousness attempt to influence and find balance within the energy forces of nature on an universal scale.

Anyone who is at a deep level of spiritual slumber, though they may seem to be awake, may believe that even if they cannot invoke spiritual power themselves, there are others who can.  And certainly there are those who are lined up and ready to fulfill that fantasy, either for their own personal good or in some way to satisfy their own self-delusions of spiritual power at their disposal. 

Albert Schweitzer once say, in relation to healing in the practice of medicine:  “The role of the physician is to amuse the patient long enough to give nature the time to do the actual healing.”  Indeed, from a more metaphysical view point, ultimately it is nature (the cosmos) that does the bottom-line healing.  Inn such examples, the role of a spiritual healer, therefore, is to give hope to the person in need of healing until the higher forces (whatever tern you would like to ruse) actually does the healing — be it instantaneous or over a period of seeming time.  That is if a healing is to take place, whether through medical or spiritual practice.

What needs to be remembered is that spiritual power, or in the case above, spiritual healing, will manifest on its own terms and through its own desired results - these could actually be completely different to our ego-centric assumptions and expectations.

In the song “Que sera, sera” there are the lyrics, “Whatever will be, will be.”  Add to this phrase the words, “for it already is.” There are times when we simply need to let go of our expectations and truly trust in the higher powers of the universe, whether we perceive them as ancestors, spiritual guides, deities or our higher consciousness. Have faith in your belief in these higher energies for they are your connection to the spiritual power. If you do not believe in an external source, then that is perfectly fine as well. We are, after all, all connected to the same cosmos regardless of how we may individually perceive it to be.