Greetings, Soul Seeker
Book here to see me at Carpe Diem with Remi (Port Adelaide) in January 2025.
Book here to see me at Carpe Diem with Remi (Port Adelaide) in January 2025. 〰️
So, you are interested in learning a bit more about me? Well, grab yourself a cuppa and get comfortable because my story is long and, like many people, filled with many a soul-shaking experience.
I grew up in country New Zealand and have had an enquiring mind for as long as I can remember. Being blessed with parents who loved to read, we frequented libraries where I devoured books such as Tell Me Why and Tell Me More, and I recall a book collection being gifted to myself and my siblings, that contained mythologies from all around the world. Needless to say, this collection started my fascination with myth and sacred symbolism.
In my late teens, I started to question that age-old question of “What is the meaning of life?” by exploring comparative religions and any other spiritual practices that were available at the time. However, it was not until I moved to Australia in the early 1990s that the wonderful world of magic and metaphysics emerged from the shadows and started to engulf me.
I frequented organisations such as the Theosophical Society, attended lectures by esoteric philosopher, Dr Douglas Baker, started studying para-psychology, sacred symbolism, ancient cultures, and soul-focused numerology. Through an adult learning centre, I became enthralled in the mystical world of the Celts (being descended from the Scottish rebel, Rob Roy MacGregor), and after a walk around my local neighbourhood one day, came across a rather unusual shop offering courses in “magic” and tarot card reading. Maybe this is a story for another time, but let me just say that when I stepped through that portal, I discovered another piece of my soul puzzle, that of earth-centric spiritual practices.
My seeming perpetual seeking to understand the workings of the cosmos has resulted in me being trained in various energetic and healing modalities including Usui Reiki, Seichim, Pellowah, Auric Cleansing, Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing. I am also qualified in past and present life regression, time line therapy, hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming, as well as spiritual and life counselling.
My interest in philosophy even lead me into the study of yoga, resulting in the completion of my Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training certificate and spending time in ashramas in the India.
Having studied widely, I have discovered a number of common threads that seem to be interwoven through all these teachings - all of which lead us back to the Evolution of the Soul.
Embraced by Ma Ganga, Netala, India
Life has a rather unique way of calling us back to our soul path when we wander too far into the wilderness and since 2013 it seems as if I have been going through constant initiations and transformations on a deeper level. One of the more profound transformations lasted for some four years (from 2014 until 2018), the effects of which still ripple through my life today. Shortly after my grumpy cat became seriously ill, my best friend was diagnosed with cancer, followed by myself and then my beloved mother - only one of us are here today.
Such a soul-shaking roller coaster flowed through all aspects of my life, stripped me back to my very core, as I tumbled down what seemed to be an endless rabbit hole. To this day, I believe that it was my spiritual beliefs and exploration into metaphysics in order to understand the workings of the cosmos that helped me make sense of things as I stood at the abyss staring out into nothingness.
Tirta Gangga Water Palace, Bali
Surrender - The Ultimate Goal in Life
The cosmos is forever ebbing and flowing, shifting and changing. The only constant is change. When we hang on to the constant and resist the change, we are forcing ourselves to go AGAINST the nature flow of everything around us, which impacts upon us energetically, emotionally, spiritually and eventually, physically.
We need to learn to surrender to the constant change. Allow room for the external expansion and contraction. Understand that the permanence that we so desperately hang on to is an ego-centred illusion which keeps us rooted in a cycle of fear and regret, not to mention self-centredness.
When we let go to the concept that we are the centre of individual universes and explore the concept that we are energetic beings tapped into a greater matrix of energy that is flowing not only through us, but also through everything on our planet and even within our cosmos, then we realise that, like a pebble being thrown into a pond, there is a ripple effect. This means that every one of us is ultimately responsible, especially at a deeper soul level, for our own ripples.
Something to think about anyhow.
I tend have a rather practical and somewhat grounded approach to spirituality in that I strongly believe that as earth-centric souls, we are ultimately connected to Mother Earth. She, after all, is the cosmic heart beat that gave us life. As such, whatever we achieve on a spiritual level once originated from her, and therefore, needs to be able to be grounded back into her. Further, our own inner world (microcosm) can deeply affect our external world (macrocosm). After all, the threads of the universe flow through us and we are ultimately part of those threads.
You may know that I am a writer, an author of some nine books and contributor of over 40 anthologies, and as such, I love to manifest my thoughts through the written word.
As such, I think I will bring this introduction to a close and wish you well on your journey.
Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt
If you want to connect with me further, such as through social media or my You Tube channel, you can do that through clicking on this button: