Commencing Thursday, 1 May 2025
Commencing Thursday, 1 May 2025 〰️
A Seven Part Embodied Adventure into your Deep Soul and Back Again
“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness,
the astonishing light of your own being.”
We each hold deep within our being, beyond our conscious realisation and deep within our intuitive knowing, many connections to a distant past that can hold us to ransom – preventing us from becoming our truest, most authentic self in order to fully embrace all the possibilities that we are each destined for.
What has been lurking in the shadowy realms of your subconscious, leaving you unfulfilled at a deeper, soul-ular level?
Do you find yourself being pulled in one direction, only to realise that it is not actually where you want to be?
This is because we are pre-conditioned to follow the head, the ego-consciousness, and reject the heart and its connected bodily sensations.
EMBRACING THE SHADOWS AND REBIRTHING THE NEW focuses on returning you to that deep body wisdom and truly embodying it within your every day existence.
The only thing that is holding you back is an innate fear to move forward,
into the unknown and into the new.
You are here, Soul Seeker, because you are ready to leap into the swirling abyss of all potentiality. All you need to do is to stop listening to your ego-mind, and start to listen to your heart.
Once you discover and truly integrate the power that resides within your own darkness, and allow that wisdom to flow unhindered through your whole being:
You will stop hesitating and considering the “risk” factor.
You will cease seeking “approval” from other people when it comes to following your own dreams.
You will release any underlying doubt, shame or guilt that has long been buried deep within your subconscious.
You will be able to truly let go of the past and be able to face the future with much more anticipation and excitement.
You will fully embrace life and welcome each day with a deep sense of joy.
You will be ready to embrace the Mysteries, the challenges and even the not-knowing with a greater sense of freedom.
You will be able to experience that sense of inner peace and bliss knowing that regardless of what happens, the choices you have made are truly filled with your own magic and deep soul desire.
You will realise that your own inner darkness holds the potential for all possibilities.
From a potent place of existence, become, not only your own light
shining the way through the darkness, but darkness itself!
If you are dreaming of a better life, filled with unlimited potentials and possibilities, you need to SURRENDER and let go of what has been holding you back – and return to the SACRED DARKNESS.
Embracing the Shadows and Rebirthing the New
Commencing on Thursday, 1 May 2025, EMBRACING THE SHADOWS AND REBIRTHING THE NEW is a seven-module embodiment adventure that utilises ANCIENT MYTH and SACRED SYMBOLISM as tools in assisting you to dive deeper into your own personal shadow in order to effect AUTHENTIC SELF-TRANSFORMATION on a DEEPER, SOUL-ULAR LEVEL.
While there may be many courses available on SHADOW WORK, most of these tend to focus on IDENTIFYING TRIGGERS. This is but part of the journey when it comes to working with the shadow. What often is missing are the tools and techniques of how to work through these triggers and then, the most important aspect, the INTEGRATION of these hidden, rejected, ignored aspects of ourselves.
It is only when we work through and then integrate these hidden, rejected, ignored aspects of our selves, that effective change can occur - because this change is occurring at a deeper, soul-ular level, within our own subconscious.
Reclaim Your Deep Soul Essence.
Change is not for everyone, even from those closest to us who are familiar with the “old” you. The “new”, emerging you may not resonate, or feel in alignment with those closest to us, those who have been so used to the old self.
This, in itself, can be extremely difficult as change can also incorporate disconnection, confusion, loneliness. Yet, it is often essential if we want to truly embrace who we are meant to be at a deep sole-ular level.
We need to let go of the “Old Self” if we want to truly open up to the long-buried gifts that are held deep within our own darkness.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light
To know the dark, go dark
Go without sight and find that the dark, too,
Blooms and sings
And is travelled by dark feet and dark wings.
(Wendell Berry)
Course Curriculum
Commencing on Thursday, 1 May 2025, this is a seven part course where modules are presented live on a fortnightly basis, with the recordings of each session being made available within a sacred container for unlimited access. During the fortnight space between modules, you are given the opportunity to revisit the recorded discussions and to undertake the SACRED JOURNEYS offered. This will enable you to more fully integrate the teachings provided as you are guided through your own personal soul-ular discoveries.
At each stage throughout this course, you are deeply supported. However, due to the very nature of the material provided, it is recommended that patience be given and for you to allow time for the EMBODIED INSIGHTS and self-discovery to truly INTEGRATE and PERMEATE through your whole being. Often changes made at such a deep soul-ular level result in unexpected changes in our consciousness that, at first, we may not be aware of until some six months later - and even then, only through hindsight and reflection.
Throughout this EMBRACING THE SHADOWS AND REBIRTHING THE NEW course we will be exploring the sacred stories of five Goddesses, commencing with Inanna from ancient Sumer whose own descent into the Great Below is often used as a backdrop to shadow work.
Module 1 : Preparing for the Descent
Thursday, 1 May 2025 at 6:30am ACST
(OR Wednesday, 30 April 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
We will begin our journey into the shadowy aspects of our Self by understanding what exactly the “shadow” is as well as its role in protecting our vulnerable self.
Like most things in life, there are always at least two sides to the story and through internal dialogue with our SHADOW SELF, we begin to gain a better insight into not only what role it has played throughout our lives, but also what gifts are hidden deep within.
Through gaining a deeper insight into what makes us “us”, we also begin to explore the bio-dynamics of ourselves, working with our seven major energy centres, the chakras, through which the universal life force flows, and understanding what happens when this flow is blocked.
The main myth connected with this course is the “Descent of the Goddess” from ancient Sumer which tells the story about INANNA, the Queen of Heaven, and her subsequent descent into the Underworld where she meets her sister, ERESHKIGAL.
Undergo a powerful inner journey to awaken the seven chakras in preparation for our descent into the GREAT BELOW.
Module 2: Transformation of Innocence
Thursday, 15 May 2025 at 6:30am ACST
(OR Wednesday, 14 April 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
As we move through the gates that Inanna went through, we meet our second Goddess, that of KORE, the “Maiden”, from Greek mythology, who, through her own descent, transformed into PERSEPHONE, the Queen and co-ruler of the Underworld.
There appears to be two versions of Persephone’s descent into the Underworld with the more common being that she, in her guise as Kore, “Maiden”, being abducted by Hades, the Lord of this shadowy realm, while she was gathering spring flowers with her friends.
Another version (allegedly older) appears to be more Goddess centric in that it tells of Kore hearing the call of the displaced souls and her desire to venture into the Underworld in order to guide them.
Regardless of version, the underlying theme to this myth is that of the relationship between mother (Demeter) and daughter (Kore / Persephone), one of the daughter learning how to stand in her own power and become the person she desires to be. Not only is this myth a SACRED RITE OF PASSAGE or about TRANSFORMATION, but it is also about STEPPING INTO AND EMBRACING PERSONAL POWER, even if this tends to be contrary to what other people may have envisioned for you.
Undergo a powerful meditation on self-realisation – who are you really when all the external layers are stripped away.
Module 3: Removing the Illusions
Thursday, 5 June 2025 at 6:30am ACST
(OR Wednesday, 4 June 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
In this module we meet KALI-MA, the powerful Hindu “dark mother” Goddess who appears to be rather terrifying for anyone who is not familiar of her sacred Mysteries.
While her frightful appearance may disturb us, Kali challenges us to consider whether we are truly able to physically and consciously remove the veil of illusion that we, and others, have created about our own selves.
Her battlefield is a metaphor for the field of our own psyche, and the demons that Kali fights are those which prevent us achieving our spiritual growth. She is the force that devours such inner demons, releasing their energy and destroying any potential to do harm. As such, Kali frees us from restrictions and clears space inside us, creating fertile ground for our divine possibility to flower.
Will you be able to trust her foresight as she wields her sword through your life?
Will you be brave enough to offer your head (ego) to her, and what will happen to you when you do?
Undergo a powerful meditation where outdated energetic cords are removed from your lower chakras with Kali’s sword.
Module 4: Discovering the Authentic Self
Thursday, 19 June 2025 at 6:30am ACST
(OR Wednesday, 18 June 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
Marking the halfway point of this course, it is time to circle back to the story of KORE, or PERSEPHONE as she has now become, and it is interesting to note that the daughter of the Goddess waits until she is almost “saved” from the Underworld before she eats the pomegranate seeds. Have you ever wondered why?
What had Persephone discovered within the darkness that appears to be overlooked by everyone else?
Having progressed this far into the Underworld, into the shadowy realms of your own psyche, and RELEASE THE LIMITATIONS that may have been holding you back, what can you now see glittering in the darkness?
Carl Jung often mentioned the GOLDEN SHADOW, the hidden gifts and talents, and even soul potentials, that have been buried and forgotten, ignored or suppressed because they made us stand out from our peers, often attracting unwanted attention (both positive as well as negative).
When we embrace our AUTHENTIC SELF, it is also essential for us to identify and reclaim our long forgotten gifts that we may still be hesitant to accept.
Undergo a powerful meditation where you will be sitting with the Queen of the Greek Underworld, PERSEPHONE, and discover your true authentic self?
Module 5: Removing the Masks
Thursday, 3 July 2025 at 6:30am ACDST
(OR Wednesday, 2 July 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
Throughout our lives, we all wear “masks” that depict the role we are playing. Whether it is someone’s partner or child, a work colleague or mentor, these masks help to identify us through our relationships with other people.
We also wear masks in order to protect us when we feel most vulnerable, to disguise our pain or disappointment, and even so that we can feel included by our friends, family and society as a whole.
What happens, however, when we become our masks and we lose our true sense of self? Do you know what you have been hiding under the masks that you wear? Are you brave enough to look, to see what has manifested?
In the main story of MEDUSA, she is known for turning people into stone. Yet, there is more to her than what the Greek hero Perseus would have us to believe. Once a beautiful priestess of Athena, she found herself being banished after attracting unwanted attention from Poseidon, the God of the Oceans. Yet, there is an under woven thread that is often overlooked and one which we will be exploring in this module.
Undergo a powerful inner journey to retrieve the gift separated from your soul self by the process known as SOUL RETRIEVAL in order to find the missing pieces of your own personal jigsaw. Sit in the darkness and see what is revealed.
Module 6: The Ghosts from the Family Past
Thursday, 17 July 2025 at 6:30am ACST
(OR Wednesday, 16 July 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
Do the aspects hidden within your shadow actually belong to you, or are you carrying fears and phobias, hurt, anger, or even guilt from someone else?
In this module we learn how to identify what is “ours” and what belongs to our parents, our society, our culture, or even a distant relative that has been passed down through the generations via our DNA.
It is not uncommon for these INTER-GENERATIONAL GHOSTS to be cyclic in nature, causing feelings of powerlessness which continue to pull us back into the past where, at a deeper level, shame and guilt can be found.
Once we have identified the Ghosts from the Family Past, we can set about releasing the hidden chains of shame and guilt from our subconscious mind by finding a place of inner safety and freedom.
We will undergo a SACRED CEREMONY focused around cleansing and purifying the three internal aspects of the Self (mind, body and spirit) as well as the external reality (negative energetic residue) in order to reconnect us back into balance and spiritual rhythm with our authentic Ancestors.
Module 7: The Ascent and Integration of the New Self
Thursday, 31 July 2025 at 6:30am ACDT
(OR Wednesday, 30 July 2025 for 5:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London, or find your time zone here using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
Upon ascending to the surface, INANNA then moves throughout the land looking for an appropriate person to take her place in the Underworld. When she comes to her palace and sees her consort, she views their relationship without rose tinted glasses, with more clarity.
She also accepts the fact that through her past actions of taking powers away from the other Gods, or tricking them into surrendering their power, and even her journey into the Underworld, were all somewhat dubious and she, the Queen of Heaven, was somewhat arrogant.
Now is the time to face the truth and EMBRACE YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC POWER as you move within the world. Embracing sovereignty and your own personal power. Standing in your own truth in order to own it, not only now, but also into the future.
When you stand in your own truth and true soul alignment, you no longer need to seek for answers outside of yourself. You are able to trust your own intuition and are confident in the choices you make.
Who would benefit from attending this course?
:: Anyone interested in analysing the sacred myth with the view to revealing possible deeper meanings.
:: Anyone desiring to connect with and integrate their, or hidden, aspects of self through understanding mythology and sacred stories.
:: Anyone curious about discovering what sacred “gifts” are waiting to be claimed in the darkness.
:: Anyone desiring to embrace their true, authentic self and learn how to integrate it into their own life.
:: Anyone tired of “quick fix” solutions and “spiritual by-passing” practices on offer today that mere offer a band-aid to deeper rooted issues.
Date: Commencing 1 May 2025 (** Wednesday, 30 April 2025 for America and Europe)
Starting Time: 6:30am Australian Central Standard Time / 9:00am New Zealand
(or 30 April 2025 for 7:00pm USA Eastern (New York), 10:00pm London,
or find your time zone here - using Adelaide, South Australia as the starting point)
Venue: Online via Zoom (recorded for future unlimited access)
Cost: $222 AUD for all seven modules, which includes unlimited access to all recorded zoom calls and additional resources.