Navigating the Lunar Eclipse

This Friday brings with it a powerful total lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo which is near the South Node, encouraging us to release and let go of the Shadow side of Virgo in the form of self-doubt, perfectionism, anxiety and negative thinking. It is time to let go of the noise, as well as the need to control the outcome.
Eclipses can be wild cards, bringing unexpected twists and turns, closing old chapters and initiating new beginnings. The last time we had an eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis was October 2015 until May 2017, and before that, between December 2007 and January 2009.

Think back to what was unfolding in your life during those times. The next year and a half may wrap something up that was started then, bring a sense of closure, or initiate a new chapter connected to what showed up for you then.

This eclipse will be the first chapter in a story that will take us into 2026.

It is time to trust the innate wisdom of the cycles, to lean into our intuitive knowing that all things will unfold as they will. Although there may be a turn of the tides and some unexpected plot twists, in the words of 14th century mystic Julian of Norwich (aka: Mother Julian), “All shall be well.”

The South Node (Virgo) shows us what must be released in order to grow. At the same time, the North Node (Pisces) is our guiding star, the direction that we’re meant to move towards. As a water sign, Pisces is aligned with dreaming, creativity, compassion, the emotional body, belonging, and bliss.

Water cleanses and water heals. It renews us and we are reborn with the coming of autumn (for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere), and spring (for those in the Northern Hemisphere).

Source: Danielle Blackwood