Honouring the Sun at the Solstice

On 21 December this year, Sol, the sun, will reach its southern most point in its journey, that of the Tropic of Capricorn. This will mark the time of the summer solstice for those of us south of the equator, the time of abundance and joy, as well as the peak of the Solar God's power.

To our friends in the north, due to the tilt of Earth on its axis, this is the time of inner contemplation and anticipation as they await for the rebirth of the sun.

The content of this video is based on the corresponding chapter ‘Summer Solstice: The Time of Abundance’ from my book, Dancing the Sacred Wheel (originally published in 2012), which is still remains one of the few books that is solely about the sabbats from a Southern Hemispheric perspective. Available through Amazon.

Click on the image below to watch my video about the Summer Solstice:

Click on the image below to watch my corresponding video about the Winter Solstice: