Welcome, Soul Seeker
I am delighted you have found your way here.
Have you ever wondered:
“What is the meaning of life?”
“Is there actually more to life than this?”
Are you curious about what it actually means to be “human” – being a soul contained within this physical form?
Maybe you have caught yourself gazing up at the night’s sky, or visited one of the many ancient monuments that are still standing today despite having been constructed thousands of years ago, and just thought, “Wow.”
Or maybe, you feel as if you are carrying something that is weighing you down and preventing you from getting ahead.
You are not alone!
Even if you may feel you are when you look at your family and friends, work colleagues, and all the other people who you may connect with on a regular basis.
Dearest Soul Seeker, I, too, have stood there in absolute awe, in wonder, with the realisation that there is so much more …
This yearning for answers has lead me to search to understand the inner workings of the universe. A search that I have undergone for most of my life, and in doing so, experience a number of “dark nights of the soul” as the world that I was once comfortable with, crumbled before my eyes.
Ganges River, Netala, Uttarakhand, India
And I am not ashamed to admit that the older I get, the more I now realise just how little I actually know. Just how little we all actually know - about both the cosmos (the macrocosm) and what makes us “us” (the microcosm).
After over thirty years of seeking answers to the seemingly unanswerable, I have come to understand three things:
There is more to life than what we realise or have been led to believe.
There is more to us, and our human existence, than what we may be aware of.
The cosmos is filled with infinite wonder and possibilities where each and every one of us has an essential role to play - we just need to find out what this is.
The world around us is changing at an increasing rate, and so too are we. Now is the time for all of us to reconsider our place in the greater scheme of things:
Are we truly living the life that we desire? If not, when will we take the courage and embrace our authentic self?
Do we even know what this means or even what it feels like when we are truly aligned?
“Life is an Alchemical Process.
It is about Embodying Ultimate Change at a Deep Soul Level.”
(Frances Billinghurst)
I do not pretend to have the answers to these questions. This is because, in truth, only you will ever know what is in perfect alignment with you at a deep soul level.
What I do offer is a safe place, guidance and encouragement for you to step into and explore what your soul has been directing you to align with, not only in this life time, but through the many life times in the past, as well as those yet to come.
Through my own personal experience, coupled with many years of study and practical application into the areas of esoteric science, philosophy, para-psychology, metaphysics, spiritual and religious practices, and alternative healing modalities, I am able to provide a container for soul-ular exploration. Here, you are encourage (and supported) to dive deep into your self in order to discover what it truly means to be “YOU”.
Gate of Heaven Lempuyang Temple, Bali
Once you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your true authentic self, then you realise that it is you who holds the key to unlock the Mysteries that have always been there …
… waiting for you.
Embracing the Possibilities
Click on the links below to be transported to the other realms within this site.
Online Courses Available
Click on the images below to be transported to these online courses.
Coming in 2025 - Circle of the Crone
When women get to a “certain age”, we begin to disappear. Our voices start to be ignored, or even silenced, and images begin to be removed from mainstream media as if we have passed any usefulness to society. Yet, there was a time when the older woman, the Crone, was honoured.
The Circle of the Crone is a sacred space created for women of a “certain age”, being the Wise Woman, the Keeper of the Bones.
Now is the time for all women of a “certain age” to reclaim their sacred status through gathering together to share our knowledge and wisdom gained over our many years of life, and creating sacred ceremony to mark the changes of body, mind and spirit that are missing in our modern society, as we move from the old into the new.
What is Holding You Back from Deep Sole-ular Change?
I also offer 1:1 Soul-ular programs that are specifically tailor-made to your own individual needs.
Contact me to learn more about how you can achieve effective change on a deep soul level when you sign up for either a three or six month programme.
Dendera Temple, Egypt
Greetings, I am Frances
I am a metaphysician, energetic healer, author, death walker, and explorer of the Mysteries. Yet there is much more to me than this.
My interest in understanding the workings of the Universe (both on a macrocosmic as well as a microcosmic level) has resulted in receiving initiations from various esoteric and Mystery traditions, studying many alternative healing modalities, exploring esoteric sciences, and discovering ways that mythology and sacred symbolism can be used to journey to the deep soul self.
As a prolific writer, I am the author of a number of books that focus around connecting with the natural cycles, utilising myth to enhance our human existence, and working magic into our lives.