Free Yourself from Your Energetic Past
As energetic beings, it is natural for us to become connected to people, and in some cases, even circumstances, with "cords" made of energy throughout our lives.
Whilst, in a lot of cases, these energetic cords tend do dissolve themselves once the connection has ended, if we have invested (and continue to invest) a lot of personal energy into these connections, then it is not uncommon for such attachments to linger and even remain. This is evident when a relationship has ended, yet one person refuses to accept the ending, or when a person finds that they attract similar people or situations into their lives.
Energetic cord cutting is a powerful healing technique that enables people to reclaim parts of their soul and be able to regain that much needed freedom.
There are numerous techniques when it comes to undertaking energetic cord cutting - the biggest downfall however is that many of these techniques tend to offer short-term results where the severing does not seem to last the distance. Sooner or later the energetic attachment (the person) is back in your life again. One of the more common reasons why this happens is that the cord is severed at the connection point to the energetic or physical body and not actually at its "root", or "hook" end. Another reason is that the detachee possibly does not actually does not want the attachment to be severed.
Reasons Why You Should Remove Energetic Cords
If you find that you are experiencing any of the following on a regular basis then it is a good indication that you should consider removing some, if not all, of the energetic cords attached to you:
:: Your energy levels are always depleted.
:: You regularly experience feelings of general leathery, depression, or unexplained sadness.
:: You find it difficult to make decisions because you tend to feel "stuck".
:: You have obsessive thoughts about another person.
:: You speak often about another person in a rather judgmental or deprecating way.
:: Your immune system seems to be extremely low in that you tend to get sick often.
:: You develop unhealthy habits and addictive behaviours that often lead to you seeking comfort in excess, such as smoking, binge eating, drinking, drugs, or even exercising to the extreme.
Further, it is important to keep in mind that the need to cut energetic cords does not solely apply to past relationships or where a relationship leaves you feeling energetically or emotionally drained. Severing cords can be done to enhance current relationships, even those which are very positive, as it is a way of continually cleaning the energy between participants and creating space for the new to enter.
Energetic cord cutting is a practice that will untether your soul from any lower frequencies that are holding you back from living your best life.
This is because with awareness comes release, and with release comes healing.
** Attendance of this workshop can be utilised as a module designed to be contained within the forthcoming METAPHYSICAL HEALERS HEALING COURSE.
Date: Sunday, 21 January 2024
Time: 10:30am to 3:30pm
Venue: The Mystical Soul Academy, Parafield Gardens (Adelaide)
Cost: $122 AUD