Explore this Misunderstood Aspect of the Divine Feminine


There is a magic about ancient Egypt that seems to span all sense of time. Filled with monuments that have remained for many thousands of years after their construction.

The size and beauty of the temples can be overwhelming, with the imagery alluding to a deeper connection with the sacred ness that almost appears to be somewhat of an enigma in our modern world.

Yet, we find ourselves drawn to this land of shifting sands, to the many and often differing interpretations of how the ancient Egyptian understood life, their religious and spiritual beliefs, and saw their place within the whole of life itself.

From the imagery left behind, it is clear that the people of ancient Egypt had an incredibly detailed understanding of the sacredness of the world around them.

The walls of their temples contain evidence of sacred rituals, of hymns, of magical words of power, to their Gods, who were actually more than “divine beings”, who were essences of lifeforce itself.

Little wonder when we find ourselves within such spaces, regardless of whether we are there in actuality, or watching a documentary, reading a book, or seeing an image from ancient Egypt, there is something that calls to us.


It is as if there is some long forgotten memory hidden deep in our unconscious that gets triggered by these images

or maybe we are being reminded of a time of great knowing that we all once had …

only that we have long forgotten …


Now we are awakening … Now we are remembering … Now we are returning.


When we allow ourselves to become immersed in the images of ancient Egypt, not only do we open ourselves up to their beauty – but also the sacredness that has spanned across the millennia, over thousands upon thousands of years … almost to be as a guiding light during these unchanged times of upheaval, of chaos and change.

You are invited to walk with me through these ancient temples, where you will:

  • Learn how to re-align yourself with the sacred mysteries contained within (many in plain sight),

  • Examine the sacred alchemist symbolism contained within the temple spaces,

  • Explore the secrets of the pyramids of Giza,

  • Discover an alternative understanding about what we consider to be “reality”,

  • Step beyond all time and space as we know it ….


Let us re-awaken to the ancient wisdom that we all used to know.


Awaken to the Magic of Ancient Egypt


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